“An Overview of the German Games Market (with a Special Focus on Immersive Media)” presented at the conference “Immersive Media and Content”, Seoul, South Korea, 14. January 2025 (i. s.).
“German Games Industry 2024. An Overview” presented at K-Content Expo in Germany, Frankfurt, 4. November 2024 (i. s.).
“Gambling as Serious Play?” presented at the Serious Play Conference, Toronto, Canada, 12. – 14. August 2024 (peer reviewed).
“Gambling as a Playground for Adults?” presented at the conference “Playgrounds”, Digital Games Research Association (DiGRA), Guadalajara, Mexico, 1. – 5. Juli 2024 (peer reviewed, online).
“The Interconnection between Games & Gambling.” presented at the conference European Communication Research and Education Association (ECREA), Madrid, 9. November 2023.
“An der Grenze zwischen Selbst- und Fremdsteuerung. Faszination der Spieler und (neue) Monetarisierungsmodelle der Industrie.” presented at the workshop “Digitale Glücksfalle: Suchtmechanismen im Grenzbereich”, Bischöfliche Diakonie, Düsseldorf, 19. October 2023 (i. s.).
“The Interconnection between Toys & (Digital) Games. What can the Two Industries Learn from Each Other?” presented: at the International Toy Research Association (ITRA), STRONG museum, Rochester, 9. – 11. September 2023.
“The Interconnection of Toys, Games, Gambling.” presented:
at the Crossroads in Culture Studies conference, University of Lisbon, Portugal, 17. – 19. November 2022 (online).
“Faszination und (dunkle) Muster in der digitalen Spielentwicklung“ presented:
at the training “Exzessive Mediennutzung bei Kindern und Jugendlichen”, Suchthilfe Aachen, 16. November 2022 (i. s.).
“Puzzles in Escape Rooms.” presented:
at the Leibniz-Zentrum für Literatur- und Kulturforschung (ZfL), Berlin, 11. November 2022 (i. s.).
“Holistisches Game Design.” inaugural speech presented:
at the University of Applied Sciences, HS Fresenius, Cologne, 2. June 2022 (i. s.).
“Game design and education. How playful design can encourage learning processes.” presented:
at the Global Congress of Knowledge Economy conference, Qingdao International Conference Center, China, 20. – 22. September 2019 (i. s.).
“The Interconnection of Toys, Games, Gambling.” presented:
at the Crossroads in Culture Studies conference, University of Shanghai, China, 12. – 15. August 2018.
“Der Erfolg von Escape Rooms oder die (neue) Lust am Analogen.” presented:
at Institut für Medien, Wissen und Kommunikation, University of Augsburg, 28. May 2018 (i. s.).
“Escape Rooms or the (New) Desire for the Analog. Interactivity & Immersion.” presented:
at the Crossroads in Culture Studies conference, University of Sydney, 14. – 17. December 2016.
“Principles of Game Development.” presented:
at Creative Europe Desk Serbia, Business Incubator, Novi Sad, Serbia, 2. November 2016 (i. s.).
“Escape Rooms or the (New) Desire for the Analog. Unknown Chances for Game Designers.” presented:
at SAE Alumni Convention XII, Palladium Köln, 11. – 12. October 2016 (i. s.).
“Escape Rooms or the (New) Desire for the Analog. How to Use Playfulness for Pedagogic Objectives.” presented:
at Keeping Children and Young People Safe Online, saferinternet.pl/klicksafe.de, Warsaw, 20. – 21. September 2016 (i. s.).
”Game Design & eLearning” presented:
at Bosch Thermotechnik, Wernau, 10. May 2016 (i. s.).
”Escape Rooms. Die (neue) Lust am Analogen” presented:
at “Internationales Trickfilm Festival“, Gerber, Stuttgart, 28. April 2016 (i. s.).
”Escape Room als spielerische Lernumgebungen” presented:
at “Didacta 2016“, Messe Köln, 16. February 2016 (i. s.).
”Holistic Game Design” presented:
at the mAHS Stuttgart, University of Applied Sciences, 28. October 2015 (i. s.).
”How can we design an Escape Room?” presented:
at the conference “SAE Alumni Convention XI“ at SAE Berlin, 22. – 23. October 2015 (i. s.).
“Escape Room Games“ Can you transform an unpleasant situation into a pleasant one? presented:
at the conference “4. Tag der Lehre. Game Based Learning. Dialogorientierung & spielerisches lernen analog und digital“ at FH St. Pölten, 15. October 2015 (i. s.).
”This Is Not a Game!“ Spielprinzipien und Spielmechaniken erfolgreicher ARGs. presented:
at the conference “Transmedia Storytelling For Kids“ at FH St. Pölten, 27. May 2015 (i. s.).
God and Gods in Games. presented:
(with Jan Wysocki) at the conference “Diversity of Play“, organizer: Digital Games Research Association (DiGRA), Leuphana University, Lüneburg, 14.- 17. May 2015 (peer reviewed).
”The Stick of Truth!“ or Some Specifics of International Rating Systems. presented:
at the conference “Reboot Develop 2015”, Dubrovnic, Croatia 23. – 25. April 2015 (i. s.).
Der Stab der Wahrheit: über Selbstkontrolle, Indizierung und Zensur von Videospielen im internationalen Vergleich. presented:
as guest lecture at: SRH University Heidelberg, 15. December 2014 (i. s.).
”The Dead is Rising Again!” or The Specifics of the German Rating System. presented:
at the conference/fair “Game Connection 2014“, Porte de Versailles, Paris, France, 29. – 31. October 2014 (i. s.).
“The Stick of Truth!“ or Some Specifics of International Rating Systems. presented:
at the conference “SAE Almuni Convention X”, organizer: SAE Group, Berlin 23. – 24. Oktober 2014 (i. s.).
The Culture of Censorship in Digital Games. presented:
in the session “Cultural Studies and the Research of (Digital Games) 2” at the 10th international conference “Crossroads in Cultural Studies”, Tampere, Finland, 1. – 4. July 2014.
“The Stick of Truth!“ or Some Specifics of the German Rating System. presented:
at: 5. international Computer Games Conference ”Clash of Realities“, organizer: Cologne Game Lab, Köln International School of Design, Fachhochschule Köln 7.-8. May 2014 (peer reviewed).
”The Dead is Rising Again!” or Some Specifics of the German Rating System. presented:
at: “Deutsche Gamestage/Quo Vadis 2014“, Café Moskau, Berlin, Germany, 8. – 10. April 2014 (peer reviewed).
The Role of Censorship and Regulation in Digital Games or “Sex, Drugs and Violence Rock!” presented:
at the ”SAE Alumni Convention IX”, organizer: SAE Group, MuzyQ, Amsterdam, 24. – 25. October 2013 (i. s.).
“No Swastikas, Please!” or: Game Regulation and the Specifics of the German Rating System. presented:
at the conference “Deutsche Gamestage/Quo Vadis 2013“, Café Moskau, Berlin, Germany, 23. – 25. April 2013 (i. s.).
From ‘Hot Coffee’ to ‘’No Russian’. The Role of Regulation and Censorship in Digital Games. presented:
at the conference “Censorship & Communication”, organizer: NPCC (Research Nucleus in Communication and Censorship), São Paulo, Brasilia, 15. – 18. April 2013 (i. s.).
Candidate Speech for the Professorship Game Design, Stuttgart at: MHMK München, 11. January 2013 (i. s.).
Candidate Speech for the Professorship Game Design at: BTK Berlin, 30. October 2012 (i. s.).
Trends in der Medien- und Kommunikationsbranche: Digitale Spiele. presented:
at the lecture series: “Trends in der Medien- und Kommunikationsbranche.”, organizer: Studiengang Medienmanagement, FH St. Pölten, October 2012 (i. s.).
Keynote: Gaming: Verspielter Blödsinn oder Milliardenindustrie? Gamification: Chance oder Hype? presented:
at: Forum Media Planung, AzW (Architektur Zentrum Wien) Museumsquartier, Vienna, 10. July 2012 (i. s.).
The Role of Censorship and Ethics in Game Design. presented:
at the 9. international conference “Crossroads in Cultural Studies”, organizer: Association for Cultural Studies (AfCS), Sorbonne Nouvelle University, Paris, 2. – 6. July 2012 (peer reviewed).
Die Geschichte vom kleinen Isaac und der Prinzessin Robot Bubblegum oder welche Rolle spielt Zensur und Ethik in digitalen Spielen. presented:
at the 4th International Computer Game Conference Cologne “Clash of Realities“, organizer: Cologne Game Lab, Köln International School of Design, Fachhochschule Köln, 23.-25. May 2012 (peer reviewed).
From “No Russian” to PRINCESS ROBOT BUBBLEGUM: The Role of Regulation, Ethics & Censorship in Digital Games. presented:
at the “Deutsche Gamestage/Quo Vadis: Die Entwicklerkonferenz”, organizer: Aruba Events, Berlin, 24. – 26. April 2012 (i. s.).
Censorship, Regulation and Ethics in Games. presented:
at the Cologne Game Lab, 4. April 2012 (i. s.).
Sex, Drogen und Gewalt oder welche Rolle spiele Ethik im Game Design? presented:
at the Subotron, Museumsquartier Vienna, Austria, 24. February 2012 (i. s.).
Workshop: Rapid Zombie Prototyping. conducted:
at the conference “Next Level. Kunst und Kultur der Digitalen Spiele”, Cologne, Germany, 4. – 5. November 2011 (i. s.).
Panel Discussion: Cross-mediale Vermarktungschancen für Games Developer, Produzenten und Publisher. participated:
at the conference “Next Level. Kunst und Kultur der Digitalen Spiele”, Cologne, Germany, 4. – 5. November 2011 (i. s.).
Poster: “Sex, Drugs and Violence Rock…!” or the Role of Censorship and Regulation in Games.“ presented:
at the “Future and Reality of Gaming” (F.R.O.G.), Game City Wien, Austria, 21.-23. October 2011 (peer reviewed).
Der ‘Narrative Turn’ in digitalen Spielen. Zum Verhältnis linearer und nonlinearer Audiovisualität. presented:
at the International Film School (IFS), Germany, 21. June 2011 (i. s.).
Panel Discussion: “Sex, Drugs and Violence Rock! Klassifizierungssysteme für digitale Spiele in Deutschland zwischen Jugendschutz und Zensur.“ participated:
at the “Deutsche Gamestage/Quo Vadis: Die Entwicklerkonferenz”, organizer: Aruba Events, Berlin, 2. – 4. Mai 2011 (i. s.).
“Sex, Drugs and Violence Rock” or the Ethics of Game Design. presented:
at the Cologne Game Lab (CGL), Cologne, Germany, 12. January 2011 (i. s.).
FROGA KUCHA Session: Revolution NOW! Or How to Design Persuasive Games. presented at:
the conference “Future and Reality of Gaming” (F.R.O.G.), Game City Vienna, Austria, 24.-26. October 2010 (peer reviewed).
Workshop: Game Design 101. (Religious) Persuasive Games. conducted:
at the conference “Lernen mit Computerspielen” Microsoft Innovation Centre (MIC), organizer: Internet Center for Education (ICE), Vienna, 23. September 2010 (i. s.).
Workshop: Religious Persuasive Games. conducted:
at the 3. international Summer School ”How Virtual is Reality? Research in Digital Worlds“, organizer: Institut für Religionswissenschaften, University of Bremen & Jakobs University Bremen, Bremen, 30. July – 9. August 2010 (i. s.).
”Power to the People“ or the Role of Ideology in Digital Games. presented:
at the 8. international conference “Crossroads in Cultural Studies”, organizer: Association for Cultural Studies (AfCS), Lingnang University, Hong Kong, 17. – 21. June 2010 (day 1, panel: 2.26).
Panel Discussion: Game Design in Theorie und Praxis. presented:
at the convention “Deutsche Gamestage/Quo Vadis” Berlin Congress Centre, Germany, 27. – 30. April 2010 (i.s.)
Workshop: Persuasive Games “Power to the People” conducted:
at the convention “Deutsche Gamestage/Quo Vadis” Berlin Congress Centre, Germany, 27. – 30. April 2010.
Workshop: Game Design 101. “Wake up NOW!” conducted:
at the course “Digital Games“, organizer: Dr. Karin Wenz, University of Maastricht, The Netherlands, 8. February 2010 (i.s.)
Interactive Storytelling for Digital Games. presented:
at the International Film School (IFS), Cologne, Germany, winter 2009 (i. s.).
To win, you’ve got to think like a God”. Die Darstellung von Gott und Religion in digitalen Spielen. presented:
at the Subotron, Museumsquartier Vienna, Austria, 31. October 2009 (i. s.).
Workshop: “Power to the People”. How to Teach the Development of
Persuasive Games in Class. presented at:
the conference “Future and Reality of Gaming” (F.R.O.G.), Game City Vienna,
Austria, 25.-27. October 2009 (peer reviewed).
Poster: “Power to the People”. (New) Ways to Teach Persuasive Games in Class. presented:
at the conference “Breaking New Ground: Innovation in
Games, Play, Practice and Theory“, organizer: Digital Games Research Association
(DiGRA), Brunel University, London, 1.- 4. September 2009 (peer reviewed)
Workshop. First Steps in Game Design with Games Factory 2. presented:
at the International Film School (IFS), Cologne, Germany, “Games & Film: Mobile Animation Content” 18. & 19. March 2009 (i. s.).
Die Rolle von Designprinzipien und Designelementen im Game Design. presented:
at the MD.H University of Applied Sciences, Berlin, Germany, 14. January 2009 (i. s. ).
Machinima. Game Engines oder die Demokratisierung des Kinos. presented:
at the International Film School (IFS), Cologne, Germany, 27. November 2008 (i. s.).
Sex, Drugs and Violence: What Content Do Youth Protection, Game Designer and Society Look at in Games? presented:
at the conference “More Fun, More Risk? Video- und Computerspiele als Herausforderung für den Jugendschutz”, organizer: Hans-Bredow-Institut in Cooperation with Bundesministerium für Familie, Senioren, Frauen und Jugend (BMFSFJ), Berlin, Germany, 16. October 2008 (i. s.).
“To win, you’ve got to think like a God”. An Introduction to Religiousness and God in Games. presented:
in the spotlight session “The Cultural Analysis of God Games, The Demonic and Religiosity in Virtual Worlds” at the 7th international conference “Crossroads in Cultural Studies”, organizer: Association for Cultural Studies (AfCS), University of the West Indies Kingston, Jamaica, 3. – 7. July 2008 (funded by the DFG).
[Abstract/Conference Program] [Update]
A Cultural Analysis of God Games & The Sims 2. presented:
at the Institut für Medien- und Kommunikationswissenschaften, Alpen-Adria University Klagenfurt, Austria, 21. May 2008 (i. s.).
Machinima: Game Engines und die Demokratisierung des Kinos. presented:
at the Subotron, Museumsquartier Vienna, Austria, 3. November 2007 (i. s.).
Cultures of Digital Gamers: Practices of Appropriation. presented:
at the conference “Situated Play”, organizer: Digital Games Research Association(DiGRA), University of Tokyo, Japan, 24. – 28. September 2007 (funded by the DFG).
The Sims, Identity Construction and Virtual Communities. presented:
at the session “Cultural Studies and the Research of Digital Games” at the 6th international conference “Crossroads in Cultural Studies”, organizer: Association for Cultural Studies (AfCS), University of Istanbul, Turkey, 20. – 23. July 2006.
9/11 – Die Inszenierung eines Medienereignisses. presented:
at the conference “Auswege aus dem Terror – oder hilft alleine die Zeit. Terror aus politischer, ökonomischer und sozialer Perspektive”, organizer: Stiftung der Deutschen Wirtschaft, Studiengruppe Aachen, Germany, 5. – 7. May 2006 (i. s.).
Identitätskonstruktion und virtuelle Gemeinschaften in digitalen Spielen. presented:
in the panel “Sozialästhetische Umgehensweisen mit Musik und Medien in Jugendkulturen” at the conference “Arbeit, Politik und Vergnügen in Jugendkulturen”, organizer: Sektion Jugendsoziologie und Kultursoziologie der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Soziologie (DGS), University of Education Ludwigsburg, Germany, 2. – 3. March2006.
Virtuelle Gemeinschaften und digitale Spiele. presented:
at the conference “The Landscapes of Cultural Studies. Erste Alpen-AdriaCultural Studies Konferenz”, organizer: Institut für Medien- und Kommunikationswissenschaften, Alpen-Adria-University Klagenfurt, Austria, 13. – 15. Oktober 2005.
Identitätskonstruktion durch digitale Spiele – Die Sims. presented:
in the session “Interaktive Medien” at the conference “Medien – Identität -Identifikationen”, organizer: Sektionen Jugendsoziologie & Medien- und Kommunikationssoziologie der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Soziologie (DGS), University of Film & Television – Konrad Wolf, Potsdam-Babelsberg, Germany, 25. – 26. February2005.
Das Genre des Simulationsfilms. presented:
at the conference “Film, Kultur und Gesellschaft. Perspektiven, Positionen,Zugänge”, organizer: Sektion Medien- und Kommunikationssoziologie der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Soziologie (DGS), Kulturwissenschaftliches Institut Essen (KWI), University of Essen, Germany, 9. – 10. May 2003.
“Was nothing real”? An Investigation of The Future of Reality TV Exemplified by The Film The Truman Show (1998) from Peter Weir. presented:
in the session “Pop-intimacy: Mapping different forms of reality TV” at the 5th international conference “Crossroads in Cultural Studies”, organizer: Association for Cultural Studies (AfCS), University of Tampere, Finland, 29. June – 2. July 2002.
“Where does reality stop… and the game begin?” – A Sociological Analysis of Gaming Future Exemplified by The Film eXistenZ (1998) from David Cronenberg. presented:
in the session 6c at the conference “Playing with the future: Developments and Directions in Computer Gaming”, organizer: Centre for Research on Innovation and Competition (ESRC), University of Manchester, United Kingdom, 5. – 7. April 2002.
“Was nothing real?” Eine Untersuchung der Totalisierung medialer Inszenierungenam Beispiel des Filmes The Truman Show (1998) von Peter Weir. presented:
in the panel “PostModerne und Filme” at the international graduate conference”PostModerne Produktionen: Text, Macht, Wissen”, Friedrich-Alexander-University, Erlangen, Germany, 24. – 26. November 2000.
Die Krise der Repräsentation und Gesellschaftsbilder im Genre des Simulationsfilms am Beispiel der Analyse des Films The Truman Show (1998) von Peter Weir. presented:
in the group “Interpretation und Kritik. Zum Verhältnis von qualitativerempirischer Forschung und der Kultur- und Sozialkritik in den Cultural Studies”at the conference “Gute Gesellschaft: Zur Konstruktion sozialer Ordnungen”, organizer: Deutsche Gesellschaft für Soziologie (DGS), University of Köln, Germany, 26. – 29. September 2000.
“Where does reality stop and the game begin?” Postmoderne Medien-Realität? Eine soziologische Untersuchung medialer Diskurse und Simulationen am Beispiel des Filmes eXistenZ (1998) von David Cronenberg. presented:
in the panel “PostModerne – Gesellschaft und Politik” at the internationalgraduate conference “PostModerne Perspektiven: Kultur, Literatur, Gesellschaft”, Friedrich-Alexander-University, Erlangen, Germany, 19. – 21. November 1999.